You may have noticed that there are bags of fresh cranberries in the produce section at the grocery store each fall. While these deep red fruits thrive in this season, a lot of individuals do not know how to make use of them. Cranberries are a seasonal item, and they only become available for a short time, which is why cooks recommend taking advantage of their freshness at this time.

The origins of cranberries can be traced back to North America, and they have a long history of being cultivated and celebrated in the region. They are grown in both the North West and the North East. Studies have shown that the compounds in cranberries can help lower the risk of various chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cancer. They also contain nutrients that can help fight infections and improve the oral and urinary tract. Given their numerous health benefits and the tasty meals and desserts they can make, it is important to know how to cook with this fruit.

Add Them to a Smoothie

Prepare a smoothie by adding some fresh cranberries to it. This will add vibrant red color and a powerful punch of health to the drink without requiring much effort on your end.

Add Fresh Cranberries to Your Meals

Try adding a small number of fresh cranberries to a wide range of recipes, such as side dishes, desserts, and cereal. You can also make these additions more natural by adding dried fruits such as raisins, dried figs, or bananas to some of these recipes.

Use Them in Their Raw Form

In their raw form, fresh cranberries can be used to add a tart and refreshing flavor to a wide range of food items, such as grains bowls, beverages, and even dips. Just remember that these berries can have a slightly bitter taste, so make sure to add other sweet ingredients, such as maple syrup and dried fruits, to balance out the flavor.

Add Them to a Salad

When preparing a salad, try adding some fresh cranberries to it for a refreshing flavor. This can be done in different ways, such as in fruit and grain salads.

Freeze Them

When preparing a batch of fresh cranberries, simply pop them in the freezer until they are completely frozen. This will allow you to enjoy them all year round, and you can use them in any recipe that calls for fresh berries.